Image Entry Standards

                   2018  All image submissions must meet the following criteria:

1.  Photographs must have been taken and post processed only by the submitting club member.

  • 2. Photographs that have previously been submitted in an RRCC competition of any year and were awarded a place (1st – 3rd or HM)     cannot be entered in further RRCC competitions.
  • 3.  Size criteria- All digital images must be JPEGs with at least 1280 pixels but not more than 3840 pixels on the horizontal side and not more than 2160 pixels on the vertical side with a resolution of at least 240 pixels per inch. Files should not exceed 10 mb each.
    1. File Name Format   MMYY TITLE.jpeg MMYY are the month and year the original image was taken respectively.   Titles are to be limited to 30 characters including spaces. Titles are to be unique and complement the image. Words such as “Untitled” and “No Title” are not acceptable as part of the image’s title. Camera capture file names or titles consisting of only numbers are not acceptable. Example of an acceptable file name: 0317 Jet Aircraft I Have Flown.jpg.

    (Note: A member’s ID number or other member identification is NOT to be included in the filename or title)

    1. Images and digital files may not contain watermarks or any name or identifying marks other than the digital file name as noted above.
    1. Borders and/or digital mats are not permitted.
    1. Digital images should use the sRGB profile to ensure colors are the most accurately reproduced during projection. Failure to use a sRGB profile will not be cause for disqualification.
    2. Specific named category images must have been taken within 12 months prior to the date due for submittal.   OPEN image category has NO date limitations.
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